Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Tick

Warning to Alana - this post might send you over the edge. Read at your own risk.

Two days ago, I read an email from a lady at church who usually sends out prayer requests. This email was about tick removal. It said that the best way to remove a tick is to take a cotton ball, cover it with liquid soap, place on the tick and the tick will just come right out. Hmmn. I stored that in my brain as information that might become useful at some point.

Little did I realize I would need such helpful information the very next morning! I noticed that I had a tick on my hip. I showed P, who verified that it was in fact a tick and I told him about my great new removal plan. Guess what? My tick must have been ahead of the game and prepared for the old cotton ball and liquid soap trick. He did not budge after three attempts. P advised me using his method and I ended up killing the tick with its head inside my body. We removed the tick and P assured me that I would not get Lyme Disease.

Later that day, I received another email from the same lady who retracted her email after receiving new data. Apparently, if you use the cotton ball/soap method, the tick will vomit inside your body and that is what is dangerous. Great. Now I get to worry about tick vomit in my hip. Add it to the list...


Alana said...

Maybe this "lady from church" is not a reliable source of information? Google it!

Shelley said...

wow, i didn't know a tick could vomit!

Sparky said...

I bet you didn't know I was keeping up with you through blogging. I must say - that entry made me laugh out loud. Tick vomit - now that's funny.