Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Smashed to Bits

Okay. While I am sitting at my desk at the computer, in my bedroom, which is located right next to a row of three windows, the neighbor boy is practicing baseball. He has a pitching machine and is practicing his batting. About every three minutes, I hear a boom and notice that the ball has hit the bricks on our house, just below the windows. Why is he hitting the baseball toward our house? Why has he hit our house 5 times and not changed position? How long will it be before my window is smashed to bits and I am pelted with shards of glass?

P just came in and I informed him of the situation. Here was his response: Is he a good hitter?


Janelle said...

That is EXACTLY what Skip would say!

Alana said...

Maybe you should move your computer away from the window, because if it gets hit you will have no way to BLOG!!!