Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Possible Friends

Ok. Ever since my friend, Alana introduced me to Big Mama, her postings have become some of my daily readings. I have to admit, it was easy to get hooked. I wouldn't say that I consider her a celebrity or anything, and I do not feel I am star struck, but Big Mama is funny. And relevant. And I have felt that on more than one occasion, I can relate.

Well, I do not want to be a stalker, but I am feeling like the more I get to know Big Mama (well, the persona she provides on her blog), the more I feel like we could be friends. We have a lot in common. For instance,

  1. Her husband is named "P". So is mine.
  2. Her childhood home is very similar to mine. Including pretty much the same floorplan.
  3. We both saw our ob/gyn on the same day for our annual exams.
  4. She was reluctant to tell acquaintances she sees on a regular basis about her blog. I have to admit, I felt the same hesitancy.
  5. She cried after leaving the hospital after having her baby. Janelle can vouch for me on this. I drove by the hospital en route to the pediatrician for R's 2 day check up and started to feel sad looking at the window of the room that was R's first home. I still remember which windows were my rooms for both boys and the room numbers.
  6. Her husband loves shark week. P LOVES shark week. It is always a big deal in our house. Now, since C is the future biologist and knows all the animals, he gets right in on it. This boy knows his sharks. In fact, at the lakehouse, that was one of the games the boys and I played:

Me: Oh no - here comes a shark!

C: What kind is it, Mommy?

Me: Um. A hammerhead.

C: No. You already said that one. It is a thresher or zambizi shark (as the boys all run to shore).

I hate to spark your interest in Big Mama in case upon reading her blog, you realize how little entertainment value my blog holds. But, I am confident that my readers are here because they love and miss me and want to stay updated on our lives.


Alana said...

Big Mama ROCKS...there's just no denying it!

michelle said...

Don't sell yourself short! We love to hear about your stories!

Janelle said...

Girl, I so know what you mean about leaving the hospital and that feeling of sadness.

I, also, love Big Mama. She would fit right in with all of us. But I would much rather hear about my real friends.


Who? Should I know Big Mama? No, no. I don't want to get hooked. Or do I? Use your own judgment.